Pigment dispersions for digital textile printing
Pigment technology for the sustainable future of digital printing on natural and synthetic textiles.
Enabling your sustainability goals with pigment technology
Digital printing is well-established in textiles, but brand drive to offer seasonal variation, e-commerce and supply chain efficiency will further increase the digitization of textile print. As a mass consumer product, textile production is under scrutiny as environmental impact becomes a prominent global concern.
The drive for sustainability in textiles is highlighting the impact of dye-based inkjet printing, which requires large quantities of water in the ink production and printing process, high amounts of energy in fixation and washing, and uses harmful chemicals.
Pigment ink technology is a more sustainable alternative for many textile applications. Fujifilm’s RxD® pigment dispersion technology enables the formulation of high performance, robust inks that jet reliably.
Pigment dispersion technologies for the future of digital textile printing
Focus on pigment technology
We believe that pigment inks are a sustainable solution for the future of digital textiles.
Proprietary Fujifilm dispersions
High performance textile inks are enabled by high quality pigment dispersions.
Market-focused development
Innovation in our technologies is aligned with future trends in textiles.
Digital pigment: the sustainable solution
We believe that pigment inks are a more sustainable solution for digital textiles, so that’s where we’re putting 100% of our development effort, to create optimized dispersions for the development of textile inks.
Pigment textile inks don’t consume the very high quantities of water and energy required in dye manufacture and fixation. They contain no hazardous chemicals and work brilliantly with recycled textiles.
Enabled by RxD® dispersion technology
The pigment dispersion is the foundation of the ink formulation, and that’s why we develop our own dispersion technology. Fujifilm’s RxD dispersions are highly stable, giving the ink formulator wide latitude to create the optimum ink properties for system and application performance.
Fujifilm supplies dispersions to independent or vertically integrated ink formulators.
Advancing pigment performance
Some properties of pigment prints are not directly comparable to dye-based. However, the actual required softness, density and color vibrancy of your typical applications should be considered, as pigment inks are suitable in many cases.
Through its high-performance pigment dispersion technology development, Fujifilm is providing enabling technology for ink formulators to close the performance gaps, so that pigment becomes the future mainstream technology.